Foundations: Building in the Faith
In the late 1990’s, after working in villages around the world, the Holy Spirit led this ministry to identify the tremendous need for a Bible training material that would be easy to study and freely provided for pastors and Christian workers. After a couple of years of searching existing courses, none were found that met the criteria. The decision was then made to develop Foundations, seeking to make it not only accurate but as concise as possible and affordable to produce.
Over a period of three years Foundations was written and field tested. Content was prioritized and theological terminology edited for simple meaning so it could be understood by the reader and easily translated into different languages. These were the first steps of faith.
Foundations developed into a lot more than ever imagined. The result, it’s now complete in over 30 languages and is being used in over one hundred countries. Additionally, it is being used extensively in homes, churches, home-schools, prisons, study groups and individual studies.
While there are multiple methods of teaching, Foundations uses an outline format. It begins with an overview of the Bible seeking to get the student to incorporate major events and time frames into their thinking as they study. It is a “big-picture” look at the Word of God. The focus then narrows looking to the individual books, and to principles of Bible study that have been recognized by scholars for centuries. The final part of Foundations is an introduction to doctrinal truths, declaring stated facts about various topics and defining various concepts and words based on their original meanings in the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. These chapters explore God’s Person, Production, Plan and Purpose. Incorporated into the book is a study guide that may be used for individual analysis and group discussion. Foundations is a tool used to more fully explore the depth of God’s Word.
If you would like to receive a free copy of Foundations in English and you live in the United States, please contact [email protected] or click here to download an English version of Foundations. Foundations II: Defending the Faith is also available, click here for more information.
For Foundations in your language please see our “Languages” tab for a free downloadable version.