Noncash Giving
Give Stock or Mutual Funds
Appreciated stocks, mutual funds, and bonds in a taxable investment portfolio can be transferred as gifts to support God’s work. Giving stock (held for more than a year) directly to Village Ministries provides a significant opportunity to avoid capital gains tax and receive a deduction at the full-market value of the securities.
To give appreciated securities, avoid capital gains tax, and qualify for a fair market value deduction contact Village Ministries and we will be glad to work with your financial adviser. Call us at 405-634-4373 or email [email protected] for simple stock transfer instructions.
Noncash Assets
From grain to art, real estate, jewelry, and even gift cards (and everything in between), Village Ministries is able to accept a variety of noncash assets. Call us at 405-634-4373 or email [email protected] for more information.
Planned Giving
By planning a gift through your overall financial and estate plans, you can do more to help the ministry of Village Ministries than you may have though possible.
Please Contact Us:
Village Ministries International
508 West Vandament Ave, Suite 305
Yukon, OK 73099
Phone: 405-634-4373
Financial Integrity
Village Ministries is committed to financial integrity, stewardship of funds, and being transparent. As a member of ECFA we comply with the Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™.
Call us at 405-634-4373 or email [email protected] for more information or assistance.