Mission Trips
Evangelize, equip and construct. These are the ministry outreaches of our short-term mission teams. Teams travel to four continents to facilitate the spread of the Gospel, the teaching of His Word and sharing the love of Christ.
Evangelize, whether door to door in villages or conducting camps for all ages. There is no limit on how the Lord can use a willing heart to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Equip those who want to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Through training workshops, pastors and Christian workers learn the necessary tools to accurately study the Word of God. Those participating are given books to train others who seek to multiply disciples.
Construct through helping people better their environment while sharing the love of Christ.
This is VMI’s three fold approach to build up the Body of Christ through short-term missions.
Changing hearts, changing lives and changing communities. All for the glory of God.