What we do
VMI has a dual strategy in its outreach. One aspect is evangelism through conducting Vacation Bible Schools, youth and young adult camps. These and other methods are all performed in various outposts throughout the world. Through these different activities not only are young people reached but their parents as well. Local pastors are then enlisted to do follow up with the families. Additionally, VMI distributes gospel coins, on behalf of Operation Grace, to Believers to enhance their personal one-on-one evangelism efforts.
VMI’s second aspect is to train rural pastors so they may go and teach others (2 Timothy 2:2). This is accomplished through several different models that VMI has utilized since its inception. Joining with its partnering missionaries, two or three day workshops are hosted to bring rural pastors to a centralized city and conduct training that begin in the morning, and last into the night. Those who attend agree to go and teach others God’s truth. Along with these workshops our partner missionaries often facilitate weekly study classes for a brief period of time to train pastors and Christian workers. Additionally, some of these local missionaries host a training center to selected individuals for an extended period of time to gain an even deeper knowledge of the Word.
In this dual strategy short-term mission teams are infused. They not only encourage the local ministry in that area, but provide an opportunity for those who have a heart for sharing the Gospel and teaching God’s Word to get involved.
All of our resources are freely given to “equip the saints for the work of service, to build up the body of Christ.”
Ephesians 4:12